Maintaining a healthy online gambling budget can be tricky. If you are wanting to start gambling online but are unsure if you are able to keep track of how much you are spending, there are specific apps available to help limit your gambling spend. After all, an important part of an online gaming experience is fun and playing responsibly.
A key element of gambling responsibly sticking to your online gambling budget. Thanks to App developers and the move in technology, setting a realistic budget has never been easier and can actually be fun.
The most successful online casino players tend to treat their gambling habits like running their own business. By this we mean they keep track of their deposits, wins and losses, this allows them to see how much profit they are making. Some will use an old school spreadsheet and manually input everything, however, with the increase in the development of apps now you can do it on the go.
Manage and regulate your online gambling budget for casino games through apps.
Type into your apps store “budgeting tools” and you will be inundated with all kinds of apps to help you see what your monthly spending rituals are like. However, none will be specific to help you keep track of your game spending. We have compiled a list to help you find the online gambling budget app that suits your needs, whether you want this to be a simple app or one that is more in-depth, we will help you.
This is available on both Google Play Store and Apple Store. It is perfect for the avid gamer as it focuses on budgeting on the daily rather than monthly. Budgt allows you to make better decisions with money and avoid any impulsive spending, like adding more money to the online slots.
With a user-friendly interface, you will start by adding your income and any recurring expenses like bills. Once this is filled in your budgeting will start straight away. With real-time daily budgeting management tool, you can see your financial status immediately allowing you to allocate your online gambling budget accordingly.

You might want to opt for the Wally App if you are a fan of the old school Excel Spreadsheet as the app is very similar but more hi-tech. Wally has gained 5* star ratings on a global scale because of its straight to the point interface that gives the user a full view of their money.
Start with inputting your incoming and outgoings, you can then use the feature to sort this by your highest expense to your lowest. You can then choose to categorise your outgoings so you would be able to see what your monthly onling gambling budget should be.
You Need a Budget

Built for the young professional and aimed at online casino gamers, YNAB swear by their Four Rules which helps users manage their online gambling budget successfully. The app is designed to stop you from overspending by allocating your every penny to a certain “job”. This is where you will allocate a specific amount of money to online gaming and YNAB won’t allow you to go over this amounts.
As a bonus for signing up to You Need a Budget they even offer free online classes on how to better manage your finances, and as well as a phone app you can also add an app to your desktop so you can keep track wherever you are.

If you are a couple that enjoys playing online slots in your spare time, Goodbudget is perfect for you as it allows you to manage your finances together. By syncing and sharing your budgets across devices you can set an overall gaming budget.
Goodbudget was initially marketed as Easy Envelope Budget Aid and it helps keep track of your spending through the tested envelope budgeting method, where you set a specific budget for different categories. This method allows you to plan your spends rather than just budget it.
To prevent you from going overboard, you can set a dedicated online gambling budget for you as well as your partner. Personal Finance

Available online and through both Android and iOS app stores and it is totally free. What was once a simple online budgeting tool has since become one of the most popular apps for people around the world to track the money they receive and payout on the go.
Thanks to Mint being compatible with hundreds of different banks and financial institutions worldwide, you can instantly collect your data without having to input it all yourself. Set a monthly online gambling budget and get alerts when you are coming close to reaching limits. Once you have used the tool for a few months you can see how your spending changes and amend your budget accordingly.
As we see it, we want you to gamble but we want you to do it responsibly and not get into any financial ruin. We know it might sound like a pain having to set up a budget but we hope we have given you a push in the right direction to helping you.
Once you are happy with your planned online gambling budget you are ready to choose what game to play? We can recommend hundreds of Slots, Live Casino and even bitcoin casinos if that is something you would like to get in to.